What Is a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)?

Rendering of an energy storage system or battery storage system containers inside a factory or warehouse.

Supply and demand affect the distribution of electricity. Production rates vary; consumption rates vary. Battery energy storage systems (BESS) help balance these fluctuations. There are several energy storage types, including hydroelectric, compressed air, flywheel and thermal storage.  One energy storage type is growing in popularity: batteries. Grid-scale battery storage systems collect and hold electricity for […]

The Growing Demand for Grid-Scale Battery Storage

Two ESS containers at a facility.

Electricity powers our world. Energy demand continues to increase as we consume more electricity. The electric grid must be able to keep up. Grid-scale battery storage systems support the grid, offering more reliable access to electricity.  Using battery storage balances the grid’s energy reserves. Large-scale energy storage efforts improve our ability to deliver a consistent […]

4 Reasons to Choose Your Local Metal Fabrication Shop

Local fab shop fabricator works on a project.

Are you contracting out a custom metal fabrication shop?  Look for a company with experienced professionals, ISO certification and a reputation for excellence. You’ll be spending your budget on building custom components, so you need a reliable company that will get the job done and treat you like part of the team.  You’ll discover that […]

Defining Metal Creep & Why It Matters

A jet engine burns with blue flame during a jet engine thrust test.

What is metal creep? Metal creep isn’t something that crawls on eight legs or bumps in the night, but it can cause a scare over time. In metallurgy, creep refers to a metal’s slow and permanent deformation caused by stress and exacerbated by heat. When metal creep occurs, components often fail. Make the best material […]

Sheet Metal Thickness Matters: Decoding Sheet Metal Gauges

A person handles a stack of sheet metal cut down to size.

Sheet metal thickness is an important factor in fabrication. Metal fabrication shops often work with raw stock sheet metal from 0.02” to 0.250” thick. What does that mean for you, the customer?  Sheet thickness affects the tools and time needed to manipulate the metal and fabricate your design. Since sheet metal thickness can change how […]

Fabricating Polycarbonate Plastic: What Are Polycarbonates?

A blue translucent sheet of polycarbonate material with ridges.

Metal fabrication companies dabble in more than steel and aluminum. Many metal fabricators can also bend and shape polycarbonate (PC), a type of plastic.  Automotive and electrical components, roofing materials, and consumer products like headlamp lenses use polycarbonate plastic. As an engineering thermoplastic, polycarbonate can be heated and melted without losing its characteristics.   Do you […]

What Is Solid Modeling? 3-D Models for Metal Part Design

Engineer sits at computer, testing solid models of metal components for a customer.

You have an idea. You need to jot it down quickly, using whatever is nearby. Napkins and scrap paper work well for initial thoughts, but there’s only so far a rough pen sketch can take you.  If you plan to manufacture your idea, you must flesh out the dimensions and ensure the part will function […]

What Is GD&T Cylindricity?

Abstract image of the inside of a cylindrical pipe.

Engineers use CAD software and prototyping to explore possible dimensions for custom components. Some engineers and fabricators use geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) to show dimensions in 3-D, including how close an object is to being a true cylinder.  GD&T cylindricity is difficult to measure. It requires advanced technology and a lot of time. Keep […]

How to View Engineering Drawings: Design Views Explained

A bearded man looks at a metal component design on a computer.

Whether you’re creating a groundbreaking widget or iterating on a tried-and-true part, detailed, concise manufacturing drawings are essential for production. Engineering sketches communicate your ideas to the production team. Not only do these drawings ensure accurate cuts and dimensions, but they also relay critical fabrication instructions like tolerances and coatings. If you have a great […]

Quick Guide to Common GD&T Symbols

Designer uses CAD software to develop a custom metal part.

Engineers use computer-assisted design (CAD) software to draw models and build manufacturable blueprints. A CAD drawing gets passed from the designer to others in the fabrication and assembly departments. Everyone in the manufacturing process needs to understand the part’s constraints and tolerances clearly.  Engineers and designers learn another language: GD&T. Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) […]