Why Data Centers & Hospitals Need Backup Power Generators

When the grid goes down, you want to be ready—especially if you have sensitive information or patients to protect. Some companies must ensure a steady flow of power to their facility. Data centers and large offices need backup power generators to avoid disruptions in syncing data and damage to electronic equipment. Hospitals need backup power […]
What Is a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)?

Supply and demand affect the distribution of electricity. Production rates vary; consumption rates vary. Battery energy storage systems (BESS) help balance these fluctuations. There are several energy storage types, including hydroelectric, compressed air, flywheel and thermal storage. One energy storage type is growing in popularity: batteries. Grid-scale battery storage systems collect and hold electricity for […]
The Growing Demand for Grid-Scale Battery Storage

Electricity powers our world. Energy demand continues to increase as we consume more electricity. The electric grid must be able to keep up. Grid-scale battery storage systems support the grid, offering more reliable access to electricity. Using battery storage balances the grid’s energy reserves. Large-scale energy storage efforts improve our ability to deliver a consistent […]
Working As a Welder: Hear Firsthand from Welding Professionals

What do you see when you picture your job? Imagine sitting in an office for hours on end. Does it make you squirm? Imagine working with your hands to create something every time you clock in. Is this image more satisfying? If you answered yes, welding might be the perfect fit for you. Custom welding […]
Defining Metal Creep & Why It Matters

What is metal creep? Metal creep isn’t something that crawls on eight legs or bumps in the night, but it can cause a scare over time. In metallurgy, creep refers to a metal’s slow and permanent deformation caused by stress and exacerbated by heat. When metal creep occurs, components often fail. Make the best material […]
Sheet Metal Thickness Matters: Decoding Sheet Metal Gauges

Sheet metal thickness is an important factor in fabrication. Metal fabrication shops often work with raw stock sheet metal from 0.02” to 0.250” thick. What does that mean for you, the customer? Sheet thickness affects the tools and time needed to manipulate the metal and fabricate your design. Since sheet metal thickness can change how […]
Fabricating Polycarbonate Plastic: What Are Polycarbonates?

Metal fabrication companies dabble in more than steel and aluminum. Many metal fabricators can also bend and shape polycarbonate (PC), a type of plastic. Automotive and electrical components, roofing materials, and consumer products like headlamp lenses use polycarbonate plastic. As an engineering thermoplastic, polycarbonate can be heated and melted without losing its characteristics. Do you […]
What Is Solid Modeling? 3-D Models for Metal Part Design

You have an idea. You need to jot it down quickly, using whatever is nearby. Napkins and scrap paper work well for initial thoughts, but there’s only so far a rough pen sketch can take you. If you plan to manufacture your idea, you must flesh out the dimensions and ensure the part will function […]
7 Benefits of Stainless Steel for Custom Metal Fabrication

What do a refrigerator door and a high-rise have in common? Material. They may both be stainless steel. Stainless steel fabricators produce components for cookware, home appliances, surgical tools, medical implants, bridges, and automotive bodies. Many of our most memorable landmarks are also made of stainless steel—take the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, The Bean […]
Powder Coating 101: How Does It Work?

Powder coating is often the last step in manufacturing processes. It gives the final part or product a color, texture or protective layer. Many component parts and end products have a custom powder-coated finish. Appliances, furniture, tools, wheelchairs, car parts and fencing are a few examples. Powder coating spans industries because of its ability to […]